Afraid of Going Self-Employed or Changing a Job? Me Too.

But we can do it if we want.

Ivona Hirschi
Top Hat


Image by Svyatoslav Romanov on Unsplash

Regular income is a good ground under your feet. Every month there is a fresh batch for spending. It is great for planning expenses and some security. The regular salary costs you 40h a week and 25 days of holidays a year. Standard deal. That’s how your parents worked and how you are going to work. Or aren’t you?

Do you dream about flexible work and no boss? I do too. The way out of the corporate circle is to go self-employed or to go on neverending maternity leave. However, that is scary. One thing, which we didn’t learn at school or in the office job, is an entrepreneur mindset. How do people do that? It seems easy, but I doubt it.

In-between jobs

What happens when you are in-between jobs? You are stressed about getting a new job as soon as possible. Yet you also wonder what you want to do. It is not easy to look outside of the box and to aspire to do something you have never done before.

There are three scenarios. The first one is that you go back to your job which you are good at. It gives you security and comfort. The second is that you try to switch to a new area which attracts you. You don’t have experience there. But with some effort, you can get the job. The third one is that you…

