Fractals & The Magic of Math

One Artists Journey Through the Fractal Universe

Sarah St. Erth
The Velvet Speakeasy


Sedona Dawn-Image by Author

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to The Velvet Speakeasy.

My cover image was created for an art challenge to explore mosaic through the fractal generating software Apophysis. If you would like to check it out here is the FREE download!

Apophysis 7X download |

Many Digital artists are exploring these fascinating geometric patterns, with absolutely incredible results. Sedona Dawn is part of a series of abstract landscape images that I have created in Apophysis. In these articles, going forward, I plan to share tutorials for others to re create some of the flames I have made.

Creating digital art is very new to me. I have been a creative person all my life. Writing, painting, jewelry making, gardens, permaculture, textiles and clothing, are some of the many ways creativity has lived in me. I used to think that digital art was not very artistic. Well I was wrong! I spend hours, or sometimes days creating some of the fractals I share.

Thank you for stopping by The Velvet, I hope you enjoyed your visit!



Sarah St. Erth
The Velvet Speakeasy

I am a digital and multi media artist, I like to write sci Fi, and futurism. I love to explore solutions, evolution, healing, gardening. Something for everyone.