#9 | THE INACCURACY OF THE HUMAN MIND | Variations, Stories, and Emotional Intelligence

Luehning, Klaus V.
The VerifiedHuman™ Collective
2 min readJul 9, 2024

TAKEAWAYS: 1. The human condition is characterized by various variations in intelligence, behavior, and decision-making, often represented by the Gaussian curve and measured through IQ tests.

2. Stories and narratives transmit knowledge and experiences across generations, helping individuals learn from others’ challenges and successes.

3. Human decision-making is influenced by emotional states, leading to individuality in character and behavior, whereas Artificial Intelligence lacks emotions and often relies on statistical probabilities, creating a distinction in how they approach problem-solving and decision-making.

The human condition, throughout history, has been fraught with the inaccuracy of the human mind and its continuing battle to understand its surroundings and purpose. The variation of this condition yields itself easily to the Gaussian curve and is memorialized as the IQ variation described on IQ tests like the Wechsler.

The variation in the human condition shown in thought, word, and deed is the substance that provides the variation that interests some of us to learn about differences and better ways to deal with the challenges of nature and each other. How they deal with these daily challenges or once-in-a-lifetime traumas captures the mind to collect ways to handle our affairs better. Storytelling is a way of transmitting much information to give another a real-life example of how it was done. Our stories, after all, are all we have, captured in folklore, written, video, audio, visual art, music, and dance, that describe our various paths through life.

The variation of choices and decisions, driven by our emotional states at the time, provides the individuality in character and behavior with which we perceive motive and outcomes to help maintain our safety, health, projects, and goals. These emotional states are not present in Artificial Intelligence and provide a vacuum of dead output bereft of the trembling impetus of doubt since the future is unknown. Oh yes, a lot can be predicted based on statistical probability. However, it is like humans to be doubtful, to still look for an opening for a better method and better outcome before accepting a fait accompli.



Luehning, Klaus V.
The VerifiedHuman™ Collective

Immigrant from Germany, Pizza maker in Brooklyn, Marine Engineer, Associate Professor, Executive Chef and retired Senior Addiction Counselor, Essayist.