Episode 3: All Mario Games are Stage Plays

Julian Stainback III
The Video Game Conspiracy Network
1 min readFeb 11, 2021


Ahh, our lovely icon, Mario. We know the typical storyline: Peach gets kidnapped by a turtle named Bowser and it’s up to Mario to save her… over and over.. and over again.

In this game theory, we will discuss how these Mario games are actually just staged plays. The idea may have originated with Super Mario Bros. 2, where the character select screen is set up like a stage. Think about it, the game starts with red curtains rising, the platforms and other structures have shadows that closely project on a background, other things like clouds can be seen bolted up, and they always exit stage left.

We then go off topic a little bit talking about COVID with our special guest NerdPunk Gaming. It seems that people aren’t taking the protocols or the virus seriously and we put our input on how we feel about those people.



Julian Stainback III
The Video Game Conspiracy Network

Senior at Michigan State University studying media and information with an additional major in journalism. Podcaster, mentor, producer, and proud figure.