The 4k myth

Video resolution is the last thing you should care about. Though I love the continuous improvements in consumer video equipment, resolution is the least of my worry. Just check out this pinhole vid. 

Zsombor Lacza
Video and the Videographer


It is the technical limitations that helped me to get this video right. The aperture of a pinhole lens is about f/110. Yes, 110. You can only shoot in broad daylight in the middle of the Summer and even that comes out dark. You can forget zooming. Weird chromatic aberrations are aplenty. Sharpness? Barely reachs 480p if you can calculate it at all. Vignetting is so strong it looks like you are watching through a tube, which is technically correct. There is only one good thing you can say aboout this lens: it projects the light onto the sensor without any modifications. This is the truest way to capture light. No glass, no filters, no reflections, nothing. The light hits the sensor as emitted by the world around you. For me, it is a technical marvel. For my family, it is just a nice way to remember the Summer of 2013.



Zsombor Lacza
Video and the Videographer

scientist, orthopedic, skier, sailor, biker, inventor, videographer