Testing students’ knowledge of Covid-19 rules and vaccination roll-out

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Published in
Jan 20, 2021
Government lockdown poster. Sourced from Gov.UK: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/england-lockdown-stay-at-home-posters

The rules and regulations around Covid-19 have proved confusing for many people as they struggle to understand such things as the different tier levels, the meaning of ‘support bubbles’ and what is a ‘reasonable excuse’ for leaving home.

Here, university students talk about their understanding of the guidance on staying safe during the pandemic and of the vaccination roll-out.

Testing students knowledge on Covid-19 rules and vaccination roll out. Boris Johnson footage sourced from The Guardian: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHpw8xwDNhU9gdohEcJu4aA

