Dozens of cars vandalised in streets in Portsmouth

Hope Mckellar
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Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2019

Motorists in Queen’s Road and Stirling Street woke up to their cars covered in graffiti this morning after vandals took to the streets last night.

Many cars parked down the street were sprayed with rude words. Image: Hope Mckellar

Many of the cars had the letters JP, the word ‘Bucko’ (referring to Buckland) as well as rude words written on them in red spray paint.

The letters JP were on many of the cars. Image: Hope Mckellar

Dave Harris, whose daughter’s car was one of those targeted, said: “People have probably come at two or three o’clock in the morning, drunk or drugged up and come and sprayed all the cars. It’s bad news for everyone.

“[My daughter’s] gran’s getting buried tomorrow, she’s got to get her son to school, go to work, try to make a living, try to keep things going and wakes up to that, it’s not a good thing really. It’s just nasty.”

Although most drivers managed to remove the paint before using their cars, some had to drive with their vehicles still covered.

One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “I’m just glad I pay to keep my car in a garage, but I hate the fact that I have to use a garage for reasons like this.”

It is not yet known who was behind the vandalism.

