Is cycling to work dangerous?

Paulina Stepura
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1 min readNov 9, 2018

Only seven per cent of people in the UK cycle to work, while 26% believe that our roads are too dangerous to use for commuting by bike, according to a new survey.

Decathlon, the sports goods retailer, surveyed over 7,600 adults for its Activity Index.

Some 21% of respondents said they are too scared to commute by bike.

The same percentage of people claimed that the distance between their home and work meant that cycling was not an option.

Moreover, around 17% of respondents admitted they don’t own the bike, and a further seven per cent confessed that they do not actually like cycling.

However, there are many advantages of cycling to work.

Mariusz Stepura, who has been a cyclist for 10 years, said: “Apart from the fact that you can burn calories, recharge batteries cycling to work and de-stress after a hard day at work, cycling it is easier, faster and cheaper.

“You don’t have to worry about not finding a parking space or getting stuck in a traffic jam. You will also save money on fuel.”

For the cyclist to be safer, it is important to use cycling paths and appropriate equipment like helmet, lights and reflective vest.

Infographic: Paulina Stepura

