Portsmouth Pocket Parks Brings Hope To The Community

2 min readOct 6, 2019


Image Via Alexandra Cowley

It is well known that being outdoors, and specifically gardening, can have great benefits for mental well being.

A local gardening project has been set up to bring the Portsmouth community together and combat loneliness and mental health issues in the area.

Emma Loveridge, 41, is running Pocket Parks, a government funded programme designed to restore parks and build green urban spaces.

The fund was applied for by Food Portsmouth, a charity that is helping to eliminate food poverty and inequalities.

Emma, the community gardener, said: “There is huge importance for volunteers, all the different skills and viewpoints come together to produce something so wonderful.

“It gives such pleasure and it grounds you. If you put your fingers in the earth, you just feel connected.” Says Emma.

Image Via Alexandra Cowley — Local Volunteer Harvesting Tomatoes

Anyone is welcome to join Pocket Parks, it’s just about getting the message to the right people, Emma explains.

“When you live in a really built up area like this it’s really easy to forget that we’re animals and we eat food that’s grown rather than food that you just buy in the supermarket.

“It’s about getting that connection alive in your brain again and getting back to nature.”

Pocket Parks runs every Monday, 11:30am until 2:00pm at Treadgolds Community Garden.

To get involved simply email Emma through www.foodportsmouth.org.

