2 min readOct 6, 2019

Portsmouth’s Shocking Recycling Statistics Show We Must Act Now

Image via Catherine Sheila / pexels.com

Portsmouth has been ranked shockingly low in the most recent recycling rates in the UK, coming 321st out of 345 local authorities, according to the Office for National Statistics.

The average recycling rate for rubbish from homes in England is 45.2%, compared to Portsmouth’s 24.8%. This clearly shows that this city must take serious action.

The EU has a target for a minimum of 50% of household rubbish in the UK to be recycled by 2020. At this rate, Portsmouth has a lot of work to do to reach this point.

Graph created using chartgo.com — Information retrieved from Office for National Statistics

An obvious way to help increase our recycling statistics is to start at home and ensure any waste is recycled properly.

However, Portsmouth City Council only offers limited recycling options. Many commonly used materials such as plastic packaging, cardboard cartons and glass cannot be recycled from home.

As Part of Recycle week, which took place 23–29 September, Portsmouth City Council advised they are acting by giving us more carton and glass banks.

A spokesman said “It might sometimes seem a bit overwhelming — what difference can one person, one household or one business really make?

“But if we all commit to small changes, we can make a big difference”.