University freshers “create a buzz” for post-Covid students

Charlotte Gager
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1 min readOct 8, 2022

University social events have returned to normal after being disrupted for more than two years due to Covid restrictions.

Throughout the UK, universities have been hosting in-person ‘freshers’ events during September and October to help new students meet people, join clubs and societies and feel more at home in their new environment.

University of Portsmouth students have noticed an improvement in attendance for this year’s freshers events. On the Portsmouth university Instagram, it reported that the freshers’ fayre “created such a buzz for freshers and returning students”.

Freshers events took place at the University of Portsmouth’s student union

Universities also had second and third year students attending events, as their own freshers’ weeks last year or in 2020 were less busy or had to take place online.

Lili Teale, a third year environmental science student at the University of Portsmouth, said she felt ‘excited’ to attend the events this year.

She said: “During Covid it was difficult to make friends online. There was definitely a different atmosphere this year and people were more open to trying new things.

“There were a lot more people there so it felt more like what it was meant to as last freshers’ fayre wasn’t as busy.”

