Will rugby ever be safe?

Ben Williets
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Published in
1 min readOct 13, 2018
Sam Warburton claims rugby will never be safe. Image: Ben Williets

Rugby is the second most popular sport in the UK, with just under two million participants.

However, former Welsh international, Sam Warburton, has claimed on BBC Sport that rugby will “never be safe”.

As more and more young people take up the sport, is this a matter for concern?

Dan Tomkins, Portsmouth Rugby Junior coach, said: “We always coach our players to tackle fairly and not maliciously.

“If all kids are given a proper rugby education then the game should always be safe.

“But there are some risks, like there are with all sports — we just have to minimise the risks as much as possible.”

Concussion is the most common injury in rugby, and new rules are being introduced to ensure everyone is treated correctly.

Domestic institutions in rugby are working on tackle changes that will improve tackling in the game.

“Rugby is always changing and usually for the better,” said Dan.

“I would welcome a safer way of tackling but at the minute will carry on coaching how I know how.

“I think the game is safe as it is and would still encourage as many people as possible to come try out the sport.”

