Forget Merrick Garland, Obama Should Appoint a New Supreme Court Justice

A Recess Appointment Just in Time

J.G.R. Penton
The Vignette


There are numerous articles about why Garland should be appointed or not during the brief recess appointment between the 114th and 115th congress.

Forget Garland.

He was a moderate choice from a moderate president who attempted to work with an obstructionist and, clearly, far-right congress. If the Senate chose to obstruct and put at risk American institutions, and mostly got their way with the last election, then it shows Americans love this way of governing. Therefore, Obama should appoint a very liberal justice that clearly flies in the face of the Senate.

The country is deeply divided, bit it seems that republicans have taken this division not to mend fences but to press their own advantage. So, go Obama. Make your last move. Play politics like the republicans have been playing for the last 6 years. Govern the way that they have governed because it has worked for them.

If republicans are allowed to throw out tradition, ethics, and justice out the window to win then, by all means, Obama can name a controversial Supreme Court justice in a recess appointment and let them figure it out afterward.

