Dear America

Rishabh Gupta
The Village Idiot
Published in
4 min readJul 4, 2016

First of all, a very happy fourth of July to you. You’ve been the benchmark against which each country is measured. Your dollar sign is unanimous with money itself. Your pop culture, your music and your movies are all the rage. The only thing that I am left to wonder was, what is wrong with you now?

You fight so hard to protect the second amendment for guns, and blind yourself to the mass shootings that are killing people regularly. You call yourself the greatest democracy in the world, yet you’ve narrowed your choice for president to the two people that are a major threat to it. Thanks to your federal bank, the world is in trillions of dollars of debt. Your banking system full of greed and corruption, nearly caused the collapse of the economy and yet the most important thing that you are bothered with is which Kardashian is hooking up with which guy, or something like that.

The amount you have spent in wars alone is more than enough to wipe famine, drought and diseases off the face of the earth. I live half way around the globe, my neighbouring countries try to bring disharmony and unrest here but failing miserably. But what you should know is that they’re doing it off of your tax dollars. Yes, it is Pakistan. Your government pumps in billions in aid and all of it goes for a war.

Your ‘great’ America goes around policing everyone, maybe things wouldn’t have been this way if it kept its own house in order and solve its own crisis instead of meddling in other governments affairs.

You mocked us for our space program, yet NASA is so scared from it that its warning every other country against it, pulling all stops.

You’re running a judicial system filled with corruption. Your civil forfeiture laws look like something dreadful beyond imagination. Your history itself speaks of how the natives were brutally killed, yet the loudest voice being heard today is against immigration.

Of course you’re an amazing country. You would not have been this way had not for been the people who made it this way. From your founding fathers, to the people who put their lives for you. All I am saying it, as you celebrate this day, beware of your flaws, for it can take away the freedom you are so proud of. Who knows, maybe it already has.



P.S. To join in on the fun, here the most American pics I could find, Enjoy. :D



Rishabh Gupta
The Village Idiot

Chartered accountant by profession, dreamer by choice