Fault-lines- An outrage

An ode to the death of a terrorist

Rishabh Gupta
The Village Idiot
3 min readJul 12, 2016


In 2001, when 9/11 happened and Osama Bin Ladens name came out, no one in the world sympathised with him, the man was a terrorist. When he was killed years later, I don’t remember anyone shouting out and calling him a martyr other than those within his group.

Today, I am in a predicament, rather embarrassed to say it too. When I saw that the Indian army killed the notorious Burhan Wani, I was overjoyed. Good riddance to another piece of garbage. What struck me as odd however was a section of society. This section consisted of some of the most well known journalist, thinkers, politicians. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why they were mourning the death of this disease to the society.

A headmasters son, poor, misguided youth, unfair targeting of muslims/kashmiris and a bunch of other bullshit that I heard being spewed out by this group makes me wonder what kind of direction do they want India to go to. Not very recently bombings in Dhaka had everyone scrambling to say terror has no religion, but now a terrorist has been killed he automatically becomes a muslim all for the petty politics at play. It seems someone is doing something right, this amount of expose of our elite thinkers has never occurred before.

Why I say all of this while expressing my disappointment with our liberal class is simple. Burhan Wani is a commander of Hizbul Mujjahideen. The last I checked this is a notorious terror outfit which has bombed and killed a lot of people over time, including people living in Jammu & Kashmir. That is terrorist/monster in black & white and as real as it can get. There is no two way about it. Yet the kind of demoralising done by such people can make even our armed forces consider, “Is it worth it?” The final blow has been this post which sickens me beyond comparison

If you think that was a pathetic piece of Journalism, then have a look at what Bangalore Mirror has to say

When media houses stop being independent and start behaving like a pimp for terrorist who want to disintegrate the country, you know there’s something broken that needs to be fixed.

No wonder more and more people are becoming misguided and delusional. All I want to put out is that I hope that Burhan Wani and his likes are “martyred” soon by our Army so that I, one of the “ silent oppressor of misguided, poor kashmiri youths” can cherish the moment where the “evil” armed forced defeat the good because no matter which way you SICKulars want to paint it, terrorist are terrorist in Black & White, there can be no grey.




Rishabh Gupta
The Village Idiot

Chartered accountant by profession, dreamer by choice