Resist the hate

Tribute to the victims of the Orlando Shootout

Rishabh Gupta
The Village Idiot
2 min readJun 13, 2016


As I write these words, my heart bleeds for the souls that lost their lives in the Orlando Massacre. But the real issue I want to tackle here is that as the dust settles and everyone picks up the pieces, hatred will take over. It has already started with the likes of Trump calling for a ban on Muslim migration. This will just be the beginning. Soon more and more people will become wary of people sporting a beard, turban, religious cap. Eventually the entire country will be engulfed in Xenophobia.

On the other hand a hardcore religious community cutting across religious lines will rise up and speak against the LGBT community. Some have already spoken out that, “they deserved it.” How do I say that this is what is going to happen? Because this has been the pattern always.

This barbaric incident is just the outcome of a deep rooted issue, hate. The hate that no one can explain. The hate that no one can justify. Why does one have such a problem just because a guy loves another guy or a girl. Of course I can go on speaking about the stupid gun laws which puts a gun in the hands of every moron in US but taking the gun away won’t take away the hatred.

I am no one to speak about such larger issues, but what I do know is that with 7 billion people on this world, the diversity will be immense. From how we look like, what we eat, what we choose for our careers and on and on, we are diverse in every single way. With such diversity, so many hues and colors across the spectrum, it’s love that unites us. It gives us the feeling of being together.

If this post manages to reach out to you, if you see what I see, if you feel how I do, then all I have to ask you is to shun the hatred. This is a time to stand up and show solidarity with those lost to hatred. Then let this message be spread to each and everyone of your friends so that never and never again shall any person be singled out and targeted for being different. The only way to conquer this enemy is through love and tolerance.

My heart goes out to the family of the 49 departed souls of yesterday’s shooting. RIP




Rishabh Gupta
The Village Idiot

Chartered accountant by profession, dreamer by choice