What can Super Mario Bros teach you about productivity?
They say the only way to be successful is to put your focus on one thing. Work hard, and keep working at it for as long as it takes to achieve success.
Our parents certainly followed that rule, so did the founders of some of the largest corporations. The long game as they call it is a sure shot way to success. But then something dramatic happened. Nowadays with not just technology, but also impatient, young and energetic people, success takes not decades but a few years. Putting in hours after hours and grinding to play the smart game rather than the long one is what is changing things.
Consider it this way. Take the game super Mario Bros, the way it has been set it takes you over an hour to finish provided you don’t lose a life and use up all the time. Those who are experts at it it can finish it in around 30 minutes. The current world record however is of 5 minutes of finishing Super Mario from World 1–1 to 8–4.
How is that possible? The game has hidden warp tubes all over the game which can shorten your distance or skip entire levels. It’s not cheating, cheating is when you’re deceiving yourself too and using unfair means, but warp tubes is playing smart. Similarly the way you do everyday things also has hidden warp tubes to speed things up be faster, smarter and better.
All you need to do is have an eye out to find yours.