Back to the Future: A Numerological Perspective

The Vinci Town

Artorius DaVinci
The Vinci Town
5 min readJul 3, 2023


Manifestation by Artorious DaVinci
Manifestation by Artorious DaVinci

Have you ever wondered why some movies become timeless classics while others fade into obscurity? What makes a film resonate with audiences across generations and cultures? Could there be a hidden code behind the success of cinema? In this blog post, we will explore one possible answer to these questions, using the example of one of the most beloved movies of all time: Back to the Future. This iconic sci-fi film was released in US theaters on July 3, 1985, and it has captivated viewers ever since with its thrilling plot, charming characters, and witty humor.

Traditional Theatre by Artorious DaVinci
Traditional Theatre by Artorious DaVinci

But did you know there is more to this movie than meets the eye? Using Pythagorean numerology, a system that assigns numerical values to letters and words based on their vibrations, we can uncover some fascinating insights into the more profound meaning and symbolism of Back to the Future.

The Title: Back to the Future

Let’s start with the title itself. Back to the Future has 15 letters, which reduces to 6 in numerology (1+5=6). The number 6 is associated with harmony, balance, love, and family. It also represents the past and nostalgia. This fits perfectly with the movie’s theme, about a young man who travels back to his parents’ teenage years and tries to ensure their happy Future.

Back To the Multi-Verse by Artorious DaVinci
Back To the Multi-Verse by Artorious DaVinci

The Release Date: July 3, 1985

The release date of the movie also has numerological significance. July 3, 1985, can be written as 7/3/1985, which adds up to 31 (7+3+1+9+8+5=31). The number 31 reduces to 4 in numerology (3+1=4). The number 4 is related to stability, structure, order, and logic. It also represents the present and reality. This contrasts with the number 6, which is more emotional and romantic. The movie explores this tension between the past and the present, between fantasy and reality, as the protagonist struggles to adapt to different eras and situations.

Marty by Artorious DaVinci
Marty by Artorious DaVinci

The Characters: Marty McFly and Doc Brown

Another exciting aspect of numerology is that it can reveal hidden connections between words and names with the same numerical value. For example, the name of the main character, Marty McFly, has a value of 33 (4+1+9+2+7+4+3+6+3+7=33). The number 33 is a master number in numerology, meaning it has a higher vibration and potential than other numbers. It is associated with creativity, charisma, leadership, and spiritual growth. It also represents the Future and innovation. Marty McFly is a creative and charismatic leader who changes his Future and inspires others along the way.

Another name with a value of 33 is Doc Brown, the eccentric scientist who invents the time machine. Doc Brown is also a visionary and a mentor who guides Marty through his adventures. The fact that Marty and Doc have the same numerical value suggests a solid karmic bond and a shared destiny.

The Eccentric Scientist by Artorious DaVinci
The Eccentric Scientist by Artorious DaVinci

The Speed: 88 Miles Per Hour

The speed required for the DeLorean to travel through time is 88 miles per hour. The number 88 is power in numerology, symbolizing abundance, wealth, and good fortune. It also represents infinity and the concept of “as above, so below.” This is a metaphor for the infinite possibilities that time travel opens up and the interconnectedness of all past, present, and Future events.

Land Of Numbers by Artorious DaVinci
Land Of Numbers by Artorious DaVinci

The Years: 1955 and 2015

The years Marty travels to, 1955 and 2015, also have numerological significance. 1955 reduces to 2 (1+9+5+5=20, 2+0=2), symbolizing duality, balance, and partnerships. This reflects the relationship between Marty and his parents and the balance he must strike between changing the past and preserving the Future.

The number 2015 reduced to 8 (2+0+1+5=8), associated with power, ambition, and material wealth. This could represent the technological advancements and societal changes that Marty encounters in the Future.

The TimeLine by Artorious DaVinci
The TimeLine by Artorious DaVinci

As we have seen, numerology can offer us a different perspective on Back to the Future by revealing the hidden meanings and vibrations of the numbers related to this film. We have looked at the title, the release date, the characters, the speed, and the years and how they reflect the themes and messages of the movie. Of course, many other numbers can be extracted from this film, such as the dates, ages, names, amounts, and times involved. You can calculate and analyze them yourself, using Pythagorean numerology or any other system you prefer. This exploration of numerology within the context of a beloved film offers a unique way to deepen our understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

Zoom Zoom Zoom by Artorious DaVInci
Zoom by Artorious DaVinci

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Artorius DaVinci
The Vinci Town

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