US Constitution & Numerology: The Hidden Code

Artorius DaVinci
The Vinci Town
Published in
6 min readJun 21, 2023


Photo by Anthony Garand on Unsplash

Greetings, dear readers! Today, we embark on an intriguing exploration that intertwines history, politics, and the mystical world of numerology. Yes, you heard it right: numerology, the ancient study that uncovers the profound significance of numbers and their influence on human life.

What does numerology have to do with the US Constitution? As it turns out, quite a lot! The US Constitution, beyond being a legal document outlining the structure and functions of the federal government and the rights of its citizens, is also a treasure chest brimming with hidden messages and codes that reveal the deeper purpose and destiny of the nation.

How do we decipher these messages and codes? The answer lies in numerology! Numerology operates on the principle that every letter has a numerical value, and every number has a vibrational meaning. By adding up the numbers of letters in words, names, or dates, we can simplify them to a single digit (from 1 to 9) or a master number (11, 22, or 33) and then interpret their meaning through the lens of numerology.

In this blog post, we’ll apply numerology to the US Constitution and its ratification date, June 21, 1788. Prepare to be amazed by what we uncover!

Midjourney Image of the Intersection of History, Politics, and Numerology

The Constitution Number: A Symphony of Digits

Our first step is to calculate the number of the US Constitution itself. How do we achieve this? By adding up the numbers of its letters!

U = 3 | S = 1 | C = 3 |O = 6 | N = 5 | S = 1 | T = 2 | I = 9 | T = 2 | U = 3 | T = 2 | I = 9| O = 6 | N = 5

When we add these numbers together, we get:

3 + 1 + 3 + 6 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 57

We then simplify this number to a single digit or a master number by adding its digits:

5 + 7 = 12

1 + 2 = 3

Therefore, the number of the US Constitution is 3!

Midjourney Image of the Constitution Number

What does this signify? In numerology, 3 is the number of creativity, expression, communication, optimism, and joy. It also represents the divine harmony of mind, body, and spirit.

This suggests that the US Constitution is a testament to its founders’ creative spirit and vision, who sought to establish a new form of government that would ensure freedom, justice, and happiness for all. It also implies that the US Constitution communicates the ideals and values of the nation to the world, inspiring others to follow its example. Lastly, it signifies that the US Constitution embodies the balance and harmony between the different branches and levels of government and between individual and collective rights and responsibilities.

The Numerical Harmony of the Ratification Date

Our next mission is to uncover the number of the ratification date of the US Constitution: June 21, 1788. How do we achieve this? By adding up the numbers of its digits, of course!

June = 6 (since it’s the 6th month) 21 = 2 + 1 = 3 1788 = 1 + 7 + 8 + 8 = 24, and then we simplify this number to a single digit by adding its digits:

2 + 4 = 6

So, when we add the numbers of the month, day, and year together, we get:

6 (June) + 3 (21st) + 6 (1788) = 15

And then, we simplify this number to a single digit by adding its digits:

1 + 5 = 6

Therefore, the number of the ratification date of the US Constitution is 6!

Midjourney Image of the Ratification Date

What does this mean? In numerology, 6 is the number of love, harmony, and responsibility. It symbolizes the need for stability and balance in all things.

This suggests that the ratification date of the US Constitution reflects the nation’s desire for harmony and balance in its governance. It also implies a sense of responsibility toward creating a just and fair society. The number 6 resonates with the energy of love, indicating the founding fathers’ love for their new nation and their aspiration to create a community where all citizens are treated with love and respect.

The Dance of the Constitution and the Ratification Date

Now that we have uncovered the numbers of the US Constitution and its ratification date let’s explore their relationship.

The US Constitution is represented by the number 3, and its ratification date is represented by the number 6. Notice anything interesting? Yes, the number 6 is a multiple of the number 3! This is no coincidence but a dance of numbers that reveal a deeper connection.

Midjourney Image of Deep Ratification

In numerology, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are considered a family because they are all multiples of 3. They represent different aspects of the human experience: 3 symbolizes creativity and self-expression, 6 symbolizes love and responsibility, and 9 symbolizes wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.

This suggests that the US Constitution and its ratification date are part of a more extensive cosmic dance that reflects the nation’s journey from creativity (3) to love and responsibility (6) and ultimately to wisdom and spiritual enlightenment (9).

Midjourney Image of the Founders

In conclusion, when viewed through the lens of numerology, the US Constitution and its ratification date reveal a fascinating dance of numbers that echoes the nation’s deeper purpose and destiny. It’s a dance of creativity, love, responsibility, and the pursuit of wisdom — a dance that continues to shape the nation’s journey.

In conclusion, the US Constitution and its ratification date, when viewed through the lens of numerology, reveal a fascinating dance of numbers that echoes the nation’s deeper purpose and destiny. It’s a dance of creativity, love, responsibility, and the pursuit of wisdom — a dance that continues to shape the nation’s journey.

Midjourney Image of Peace, Love, and Happy

If you’re intrigued by the power of numbers and want to delve deeper into numerology, you might find our other blog posts interesting:

Remember, numerology is a tool that can help us understand ourselves and the world around us more deeply. It’s a language of numbers that speaks to the underlying patterns and rhythms of the universe. So, keep exploring, keep questioning, and keep dancing with the numbers!

Thank you for joining me on this fascinating journey. Stay tuned for more intriguing explorations into the world of numerology. Until next time, keep the dance alive!



Artorius DaVinci
The Vinci Town

Everything about everything. Learn to teach. Teach to learn. (All Works A.I. Assisted)