Immortal Jellyfish: Unveiling Ageing Secrets

The Vinci Town Science

Artorius DaVinci
The Vinci Town
6 min readJul 5, 2023


Searching For The Fountain of Jelly by Artorious DaVinci
Searching For the Fountain of Jelly by Artorious DaVinci

A creature has unlocked the secret to eternal life in the vast, mysterious expanse of our world’s oceans. This creature, a small, transparent entity known as the Turritopsis dohrnii or the immortal jellyfish, holds within its delicate form a fascinating secret. It has the power to defy the laws of biology governing every other living organism on our planet. It can, in essence, live forever.

This remarkable ability has piqued the interest of scientists around the globe, leading to groundbreaking research that could revolutionize our understanding of aging and longevity.

The Immortal Jellyfish: A Marvel of Nature

Actual Immortal Jellyfish Photo Credit: Juliana Giraldo
Actual Immortal Jellyfish Photo Credit: Juliana Giraldo

The immortal jellyfish, a creature no larger than your pinky nail, possesses an extraordinary ability that sets it apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. When faced with physical damage, starvation, or natural aging, it can revert its cells to their earliest form and start its life cycle anew. It’s akin to a butterfly, having spread its beautiful wings and soared in the sky, choosing to return to its cocoon and emerge again as a caterpillar. This process, known as transdifferentiation, allows the immortal jellyfish to live indefinitely unless it falls prey to disease or predators.

The Turritopsis dohrnii is a tiny marine organism smaller than your pinky nail. It is capable of defying death in remarkable ways. Once it reaches sexual maturity, it can revert to its juvenile stage and then mature again. This is similar to a butterfly turning back into a caterpillar and then transforming into a butterfly again. This deep-sea creature’s life cycle has the potential to repeat indefinitely, which is why it has earned the nickname “immortal jellyfish.”

The Quest for Immortality: A Journey into the Genetic Code

The Forever Quest by Artorious DaVinci
The Forever Quest by Artorious DaVinci

In the hallowed halls of the University of Oviedo’s Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, a team of dedicated scientists has been delving into the genetic mysteries of the immortal jellyfish. Their mission? Understanding the genetic mechanisms that allow this tiny creature to defy aging. To do this, they compared the DNA of Turritopsis dohrnii with that of a close relative, Turritopsis rubra, a jellyfish that, while similar in many ways, does not possess the same regenerative abilities.

Much like opening a series of locked doors, this comparison revealed a set of genetic keys that the immortal jellyfish uses to unlock the secrets of aging. These keys are associated with DNA replication and repair, telomere maintenance, stem cell production, cell communication, and oxidative cellular environment reduction. Each of these processes plays a crucial role in the aging process of humans, making this discovery all the more significant.

When comparing T. dohrnii to its related species T. rubra, it was observed that T. rubra undergoes a typical aging process. The “immortal jellyfish” has more DNA repair and protection genes than its relative. This allows T. dohrnii to produce more therapeutic proteins. The authors also found differences in other genes associated with replication and stem cell populations. The “immortal jellyfish” has mutations that protect its telomeres, which are DNA sequences that safeguard the end of a chromosome and usually decrease with age. These mutations could be crucial to the jellyfish’s ability to live forever.

The Implications: A New Dawn for Human Health and Longevity

Meddling Consequences by Artorious DaVinci
Meddling Consequences by Artorious DaVinci

While the findings of this research may not immediately lead to an immortality serum available at your local pharmacy, they open up a new frontier in our understanding of aging and longevity. The immortal jellyfish’s unique genetic mechanisms could be harnessed to extend our health span, during which we are free from chronic diseases and can live healthy, productive lives.

Imagine a world where the ravages of age are no longer an inevitable part of life but something that can be delayed, mitigated, or even reversed. The diseases we associate with aging — Alzheimer’s, heart disease, osteoporosis — could become things of the past. This is the tantalizing promise that the study of the immortal jellyfish holds for us.

At the University of Oviedo, a biochemist and molecular biologist named Carlos López-Otín, Co-author, stated their aim is to use their research to find improved solutions for the many age-related diseases facing us today. Their research on jellyfish genes could provide valuable insights for developing regenerative medicines for humans, as reported by New Scientist.

Future Research and Considerations

Turritopsis Dohrnii by Unknown
Turritopsis Dohrnii by Unknown

Of course, there are still many questions to be answered. Lonnie Lee Hood’s piece in Futurism posits the intriguing question of whether adult medusae can be considered identical individuals after reverting to their polyp stage. The answer to this remains uncertain, leaving room for further investigation and potential breakthroughs in marine biology.

More research is needed to further understand this jellyfish’s aging process. Monty Graham is the director of the Florida Institute of Oceanography and an expert in jellyfish that Deemed the research paper worthy of pursuit. The study has the potential to pave the way for a new field of research.


We Cannot Undo This by Artorious DaVinci
We Cannot Undo This by Artorious DaVinci

The immortal jellyfish, a tiny creature in the ocean’s depths, has much to teach us about the mysteries of life and aging. Its unique ability to revert its cells to a youthful state, effectively resetting its life cycle, could hold the key to breakthroughs in human health and longevity. While we may not achieve immortality like this jellyfish, the insights gained from studying its biology could lead to longer, healthier lives for us all.

The journey to unravel the secrets of the immortal jellyfish is just beginning, and the road ahead is filled with promise. As we continue exploring the depths of our genetic code, who knows what other secrets we may uncover? The future of human health and longevity looks brighter than ever, and we have a tiny, immortal jellyfish to thank for it.

In The Darkest of Night by Artorious DaVinci
In The Darkest of Night by Artorious DaVinci

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“Immortal Jellyfish Could Spur Discoveries About Human Aging.” Smithsonian Magazine. Accessed on July 4, 2023. “Immortal Jellyfish: It’s Death-Defying Journey.” Elephango. Accessed on July 4, 2023. The Real Immortal Jellyfish. Accessed on July 4, 2023. “Immortal Jellyfish.” Ocean Today. Accessed on July 4, 2023. “How Immortal Jellyfish Could Help Prevent Human Aging.” Interesting Engineering. Accessed on July 4, 2023. “The Immortal Jellyfish.” YouTube. Accessed on July 4, 2023. “Can a Jellyfish Unlock the Secret of Immortality?” The New York Times. Accessed on July 4, 2023. “The Secret to Cheating Death with the Immortal Jellyfish.” Natural History Museum. Accessed on July 4, 2023. “Can the Immortal Jellyfish Teach Us How to Reverse Aging?” Accessed on July 4, 2023. “The Immortal Jellyfish and Its Fascinating Biology.” National Geographic Kids. Accessed on July 4, 2023. “The Immortal Jellyfish and Its Unique Abilities.” Cape Clasp. Accessed on July 4, 2023. “Everlasting Life: The Immortal Jellyfish.” The Biologist. Accessed on July 4, 2023. “New Study Could Unearth the Secret to How the Immortal Jellyfish Reverses Aging.” CNN. Accessed on July 4, 2023. “‘Immortal’ Jellyfish Swarming the World’s Oceans.” National Geographic. Accessed on July 4, 2023.



Artorius DaVinci
The Vinci Town

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