Can a Weighted Blanket cure Insomnia?

Violet Daniels
Stories from Violet
6 min readOct 27, 2020


This simple hack could reduce the number of sleepless nights you’re clocking up.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Ah, sleep. It always seems like the most natural thing in the world, until you can’t get any of it.

Lockdown has had a strange effect on my sleep. There were weeks when I was basking in the glorious revelation that I was getting nine to ten hours a night, and other nights where I was staring at the ceiling for hours on end, barely getting two or three hours.

And there were some consecutive nights when I didn’t sleep at all, regardless of how tired I felt or how much my body needed to rest.

According to the Sleep Health Foundation, at least one-third of adults will experience a mild form of insomnia in their lifetime. For many, these habits can intensify over a lifetime. Insomnia can range from having trouble staying asleep at night — to not sleeping at all.

What fascinates me about sleep is that it should be one of the easiest things in the world, especially when you are exhausted, but sometimes, for some reason, it simply doesn’t happen at all.

Why is that? And is there a solution for it?

Insomnia is usually approached with treatments based on managing anxiety, as this can interrupt our ability to fall asleep seamlessly and stay asleep. Ah, the…



Violet Daniels
Stories from Violet

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