2021 will be the year for us women

We will prevail

Kara Summers
The Virago


Photo by Josh Howard on Unsplash

2021, a fresh start, a new beginning. This year will be our year, I know it. This year we will stand up and unite, stronger, louder and bigger in numbers. This year more of us won’t be silent, we will speak up and out and we will succeed. We are strong, beautiful, kind and intelligent, we are powerful. Together we will prevail, I know because I will do everything I can to do my part and there are so many others that already do.

It’s a man’s world

I have worked in technology for 10 years, often I was the only woman in my department. I never felt at a disadvantage, I always got the career progression I wanted. Only a few years ago when I experienced unconcious bias myself I started learning all about it. I went on a course that focused on women in men-led industries. I started seeing how different we are treated and the reasons why women find it more difficult to even get into jobs in these industries. I started speaking at “women in tech” events, changing the recruitment process for our business to be more inclusive and went out to universities to encourage young women to pick a career in tech. This year, I am commited to focus on helping address the gender pay-gap, hire more women and address unconcious bias. I believe that regardless of the industry, the gender gap is very conspicious at the…



Kara Summers
The Virago

Author, Mindset Coach, Feminist, Abuse Survivor, Stronger than ever