3 Unhealthy Ways to Express Anger

Anger is an emotion that everyone expresses differently

Kristina Segarra
The Virago


I grew up in a household where conflicts and arguments were the nature of things. My dad was a person who was always angry and argumentative. This was a part of his nature — he is choleric and pessimistic.

Besides being a pessimist, he’s also a perfectionist. This combination often put him in a perpetually angry state.

When he was angry, he would snap and unleash his emotions on others. Family conflicts would send him into a nervous angry fit. And also when they weren’t settled according to his standards, he’d often ruminate over them.

Growing up, I recall many times when my dad was outraged and furious. If he disagreed with someone, he’d argue with them until he proved his point. If he was in the middle of an argument with someone and that person pushed on his buttons, he would thump on the table with his fist.

Seeing my father in this state was frustrating. As someone with an ISFJ personality type, I’m overly sensitive to other people’s emotions. My efforts to calm his emotional state were always in vain.

It was crippling at the time. I was also young and didn’t have any coping mechanisms to deal with my dad’s emotionally charged behavior. I accepted it and learned…



Kristina Segarra
The Virago

Freelance health/wellness/self-improvement writer, musician, mom of two boys. Join my newsletter: https://self-empowerment-club.ck.page/a9d23100d4