7 Food Related Resolutions That Have Nothing To Do With That Extra 10 Lbs

Eating is meant to make you happy, not miserable

Alice Vuong
The Virago


A new year typically means new resolutions to lose weight or to only drink lemon and turmeric for breakfast. January is the time of year to hit the gym (if they’re open still) and try to lose that extra 10 lbs we gained over the holidays or the extra weight you’ve been carrying since…well…forever. I still have baby weight from being pregnant and I’m not sure if I’ll ever get rid of it. Even then, I’m not too worried about getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

I’ve never had an obsession with food. I guess I’m lucky that I’ve never truly worried about my weight nor have I ever made resolutions to lose any. But with that being said, I always have a goal to be healthier and happier than I was the year before and food plays a huge part in making that happen. If your goal this year is to be happier and healthier than last year, here are some food resolutions that might help you get started.

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