A Gift Guide for Women’s History Month

After six million years of oppression, systematic and psychological indoctrination, we deserve it yall.

The Virago


March is Women’s History Month. Why do we have an entire month dedicated to women? If you had asked me, even a year ago, I would have retorted, “We don’t have a men’s month. Why would we need a women’s history month?” And this is someone who calls herself a liberal and has read The Feminine Mystique. As a Chinese American woman who grew up in a strict Confucius household and the American South, I have some internalized misogyny and patriarchy that I still carry today. I imagine that unlearning the conditioning and grooming that I received as a child and young adult will be a life-long process.

Celebrating Women’s History Month doesn’t mean that I don’t celebrate or appreciate men. I do. I celebrate men every time I open a history book, apply for a job, and stare at a painting at the MET. Celebrating Women’s Month means that I acknowledge and understand the complicated social dynamics and history that has prevented women from making their own money, making their own decisions, and owning their own body. It means that I acknowledge that women are just as talented, smart, and capable as men but they haven’t been allowed, empowered, or given the opportunities to write the great American…



The Virago

I write about mental health and healing from childhood trauma & dysfunctional family systems. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/HelloCharlotte