An Unwanted Daughter’s Response to Parental Regret

It’s time we all accept the validity of each other’s feelings

Sarah Kat
The Virago


Photo by Brooke Cagle from StockSnap

This morning, still dazed from an unusually good night’s sleep, I stumbled upon an article in my newsfeed. This article touched me so much that I just had to write something in response to it.

I absolutely, whole-heartedly agree with the words of Jenna Abetz and Julia Moore in their Psych post — It Should Be Okay for Parent to Express Regret About Having Children.

I know that this is a loaded topic, and there are some strong voices out there shouting about how children are such a blessing. We are told by society that if we ever think children are anything other than a wonderful gift from God, then we must have the devil in us.

But in truth, some of us weren’t wired for parenthood. Some know they never want children, and some aren’t lucky enough to reach that level of self-awareness before it is too late. Other people are loving parents, but they struggle more than most. There is a full spectrum of possible feelings and experiences out there — and they are ALL valid.

From the unwanted daughter’s perspective

As an unwanted, unloved daughter of parents who sit somewhere on the spectrum between lack of…



Sarah Kat
The Virago

Self help, neuropsychology, small business and marketing. An Elective Orphan and abuse survivor.