Being Independent Means Different Things to Different People — But We All Want Choices

A perspective shift from being broke and in love during lockdown.

Samantha Blake
The Virago


Photo by Ashley Williams from Pexels

Freedom is an idea; a state of mind. And independence has so many different realities. Depending on where you are in the world, having freedom and independence can mean very different things.

Rights. Privilege. Relationships. Self-sufficiency. There are so many different contexts, and yet one thing remains mostly the same across the board —independence is a feeling and reality that we all want.

We all want to feel heard, seen, acknowledged, and respected as human beings. We each have our own hopes, fears, and priorities — and often they involve other people.

But at the end of the day, we each want to be able to live our own lives. And that means different things to different people.

But ultimately, being independent means having the freedom to choose.

Independence is individuality.

Back when I was younger (and more naïve), I used to believe that when it came to relationships, independence went hand-in-hand with being single.



Samantha Blake
The Virago

Writer & certified professional life coach for women. Making a change through words and the power of human connection. Work with me here: