Broke Men Created the “Gold-Digger”

Men’s fear of gold-diggers isn’t about women

The Virago


Gold-digging has a misguided connotation with “stealing”.

Societally, we’ve demonized most things related to women. Whether or not there is an actual connection to women, if something is perceived as “feminine”, it comes with a stigma. Especially when that thing happens to step on the egos of men.

The conversation surrounding gold-diggers came to a head for the thousandth time recently thanks to Tik-Tok. These conversations spring up every few weeks when someone decides to re-ignite the debate. This time, a woman created a Tik-Tok saying she doesn’t need to “work” a traditional job because she dates wealthy men.

She was a self-described gold-digger. The Tik-Tok was mostly innocent, showing off her lifestyle, but of course, sparked a big response. She then followed the original Tik-Tok up with an assessment of why so many men were bothered by her lifestyle. And hers was a perspective I’d felt about “gold-digging” for a long time: if it’s an option, let people choose it. Why should it or would it bother anyone else?

Well, because the controversy around gold-digging has nothing to do with women.

What is a gold-digger?



The Virago

Freelance writer, video editor, Youtuber, & Complainer. I promise I’m a lot more fun at parties than these articles make you think. /