Do You Dream Of Starting Over In Life?

I did it and here’s what it really looks like

Michelle Jaqua
The Virago


Starting over can feel like jumping without a net. Photo by Colton Jones on Unsplash

Do you ever sit at your job and dream of going up to your boss and saying “I quit this mess!” throw your paperwork at them and leave?

Do you dream of putting your house up for sale, buying an RV and traveling the country?

Do I dare say, have you had enough of this terrible relationship that’s been dragging you down for years, so you pack your things and leave them a note saying “I’m outta here. Goodbye!”?

How about a nice cup of UGH in the morning to wake you up? Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Do you ever just want to take off and leave everything behind? Your job, your relationship, all the bullshit in your life, and start over?

Well, I did that.

It’s not as glamorous as it sounds.


It’s the most freeing thing I’ve ever experienced.

In the short term, letting go of your life sounds very gratifying, and it is! There’s an elation when you let go of something that’s been dragging you down.

In the moment you feel on top of the…



Michelle Jaqua
The Virago

Advocate for Women / Owner of Lipedema and Me and The Virago