Doing Household Chores Is Not Sexy

But being a true partner could be

Gaby Rogut
The Virago


Nope, he is not sexy (photo by Kladyk from iStock)

Hello, my dear, I’m back from running some errands.

I put on my mask, got some groceries, picked up that new hose we need, and paid the bills. Now, I’m back home and have to do the laundry, wash the dishes, and cook.

Doing this doesn’t bother me per se. The problem, dear, is that now I’m back, you asked why haven’t we had sex in a while. “Don’t you find me sexy anymore?” was your question.


I told you I was overwhelmed with work and household errands. That I was tired and just not in the mood. You nodded a lot, so I assumed you understood.

The next day, you cleaned the kitchen floor. I know because you made a big fuss about it. “See, I helped you. Do I look sexy now?”

*sighing intensifies*

Ok, dude, sit down. Here’s what you need to get into your head.

No, cleaning the floor is not sexy

I have cleaned a lot of floors. I have also done the dishes tons of times. I have cooked thousands of meals and folded an infinite amount of laundry.

I have never felt sexy doing that. You know why? Because it isn’t.



Gaby Rogut
The Virago

Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me!