Healing The Heart Of A Wounded Child

The one that lives in all of us

Glenna Gill
The Virago
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2021


Photo by Camille Minouflet on Unsplash

Dear Little G.,

I see you in your class at school. You’re near the corner, slightly away from the other kids. The loneliness on your face tells me how uncomfortable you are. You wish you could be at home with your mom and dad watching TV. I know you feel so different from other children. There just aren’t words for what it is yet.

Come sit by me. Tell me what makes you so sad. I know you don’t think you can trust anyone, but I promise you can trust me. We are one and the same, and that makes us closer to each other than anyone else in the world.

Do you feel anxious? I can tell because I’ve had enough anxiety to last me a lifetime. I worry over everything and nothing, and I bet you do, too. It’s just part of who we are and not anything bad we did. Our brain works differently, so we are on constant alert for trouble. That’s also what happens when a little girl is exposed to adult problems and dragged around the country so the adults could find out “who they were.” We’d move at least twice a year and they never seemed to figure it out, just a new city with the same problems.

I know your worries are different. It’s tough to have to start over repeatedly and make new friends only to wave goodbye in six months. It’s troubling not to…



Glenna Gill
The Virago

My memoir, “When I Was Lost,” is available now. Owner of Memories Mastered publication. Writing here since 2018 and love it!