How To Communicate With a Narcissist if You Still Have To

Here is how to handle a narcissist if you can’t break contact

Kara Summers
The Virago


Photo by Josh Eckstein on Unsplash

With a sudden burst of emotion, he breaks into tears, uttering, “The only thing she wants is for us two to make up and get along.” Surprisingly, the mediator and his former girlfriend show no reaction, leaving him to cry alone. An observer unaware of the context might perceive a loving father expressing his emotions for his daughter, thinking the others are cold-hearted for not responding sympathetically. But those familiar with Jim would discern that while the tears are sincere, they aren’t about his daughter; they are, as all the emotions he shows, for himself.

No contact isn’t always an option

Those of us who have experienced emotional and/or physical abuse will know how difficult it is to break free, break contact. Even victims who go through years of recovery, rebuilding confidence and building out new lives may find themselves tempted when that out-of-the-blue text message arrives, asking for “another chance”. And as a side note, most of us will give in a few times even; this has nothing to do with weakness but our belief in the good in people and their ability to change.



Kara Summers
The Virago

Author, Mindset Coach, Feminist, Abuse Survivor, Stronger than ever