“I Don’t Need a Man in My Life!” — Then I Almost Died and Reconsidered

Caving into the Universe’s hints to admit I want a partner

Aurelie B.
The Virago


A black and white picture of a  woman seating on a chair in her kitchen, looking in the distance.
Photo by Risto Stewart on Unsplash

It’s a Saturday lunch and a crisp -8 degrees Celsius in Toronto. The sky is gray like it has been for the past two weeks.

And like every other non-Canadian does during winters here, I’ve already considered suicide five times this season. But I know better than to let the lack of vitamin D get the best of me.

I keep myself sane to the best of my abilities. This involves a lot of writing.

And a lot of soup.

Today, I added an extra ‘homemade’ Dollorama biscuit as a yummy side. When I prepared it earlier, I pimped the Bisquick with some onion, cheese, and herbs to make it tastier than the plain cardboard dough of flour and butter it is.

The first bite I take is overly generous.

And gets stuck in my pharynx.

Years of food disorders should have taught me to chew seventeen times before swallowing but, hungry as I was, I’d ignored the basics.

And now I was on my way to die thanks to a dollar store item swallowed too quickly.

I gasp for air and try to spit it out but it’s too far down my digestive tube. I send…



Aurelie B.
The Virago

Me? 30 something French woman living in Toronto. Positive, witty & a dash sarcastic. You? Open-minded reader ready to follow me on my adventures through Medium.