If You Want Them Back, You Have to Walk Away

They will chase you, but you may find you won’t want them after all.

Hakima T A N T R I K A
The Virago


At the beginning of a relationship, there’s a spark. It’s that feeling that makes you always want to be around someone.

But what if you realize they are not good for you?

It could be time to walk away and feel the power in choosing yourself instead.

I walked away from an unfulfilling relationship for the very first time a few months ago. Alejandro and I spent a month talking over the phone every day. However, when he came to visit me for my birthday, the whole weekend was disastrous. As it turns out, Alejandro was very toxic.

I stepped into my power and texted him this simple but powerful message :

“I loved the mental connection we shared for a month. Even though it saddens me, I have to let you go. It’s not what I hoped for, but I don’t see our relationship developing into the vision I have for a friendship or a romantic relationship.”

After pressing the send button, I felt a rush of adrenaline. I had never felt as powerful and attractive.

Walking away from a toxic situation shows that you value yourself.



Hakima T A N T R I K A
The Virago

Scholar-practitioner of Classical Tantra with 15 years' experience, Founder of the School of Quantum Tantra for conscious leaders www.schoolofquantumtantra.com