Is Your Partner Too Nice? You Should Beware

Nice people can be pushovers

Ruchi Das
The Virago


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Too-good-to-be-true relationships can be dangerous sometimes. Especially if your partner is a nice person to the point of toxicity. Such people are called pushovers. Having a pushover partner can eat away at your mental health in unexpected ways.

I learned about the pitfalls of dating a pushover the hard way.

Last year, I started dating a nice guy. At the risk of sounding too cliched, I thought he was the man-of-my-dreams. He was polite, funny, considerate, kind, caring, and charming. He had everything I ever wished for in my partner. What could go wrong with this one, I often asked myself.

The Illusion of Perfection

In my head, I had already walked down the aisle with him. I rarely click with people so easily and so soon. But that should have been a red flag on its own.

Everything was rosy and romantic for the first few months we started going out. We took weekend trips with our friends. My friends liked him. His friends gelled with me. We talked about our day at the end of it with each other. We even helped each other take better decisions for the future.

We went the extra mile to express our love for each other. Ordering takeaways. Dancing in the…



Ruchi Das
The Virago

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