Just Because I’m Quiet Doesn’t Mean I’m Stupid

Secrets of an introvert

Suzanna Quintana
The Virago
Published in
6 min readMay 12, 2021


People explain things to me.

In the absence of my spoken words, some people — mainly men — feel the need to fill up the space with their own. And not just any words, but words that illustrate, demonstrate, and elucidate whatever the topic at hand might be. Whether or not I ask for explanations or annotated breakdowns, whether or not I’m even interested, some people just cannot stop talking.

Being an active listener somehow sends the message to other more talkative people that I don’t understand, hence the need for them to explain further, breaking down the details as though they’re talking to a small child. Or an idiot.

Helloooo, is anyone home?

Yes, I’m home. And the lights are on as can be seen by my facial expressions — nodding when I understand, laughing at something funny (or faking a laugh to make someone feel better), and saying things like “Yeah, I totally feel you…agree…hear you…”

I get that there are people in this world who have a lot of words they want to share. I also get there are people in this world who prefer talking over listening. I’m just not one of them. This absence of my need to speak over someone, interrupt, or position myself at the center of attention does not mean I’m not…



Suzanna Quintana
The Virago

My voice is my superpower. Editor-in-Chief of The Virago. Founder of The Online Sanctuary for Healing After Narcissistic Abuse. www.suzannaquintana.com