Leaving an Abusive Relationship Is Not a Matter of Courage

We hurt victims by saying otherwise

Gaby Rogut
The Virago


Photo by Genor Chiomento from Pexels

When people hear about women in abusive relationships, many don’t know how to react. It is definitively an “uncomfortable” topic. Most of them try to provide useful advice with the best of intentions. However, many times, this guidance can be summarized in, “You can do it! Just leave!”

Although there is a strong psychological component as to why a woman stays with an abusive partner, I have come to realize — from personal experience I wish I didn’t have — there’s much more to that.

We have this romantic idea of a woman who says, “Enough!” and turns around and out of the house, into the sunset, as her now former abuser stares in disbelief.

That’s not how things work.

Instead, escaping an abusive relationship includes a string of practical issues that are most definitively not romantic at all.

It’s a matter of money.

Leaving a partner can be extremely expensive.

If you have friends or family to rely on, this could lessen your burden a bit, but that’s not always the case.

Not only will you need a place to stay, but since you’ll have to travel light, you’ll likely need to…



Gaby Rogut
The Virago

Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me! https://ko-fi.com/gabyrogut/commissions