Loving Someone Else Is so Much Easier When You Don’t Hate Yourself

I hate to say this but that cliche quote about self-love on Tumblr is true.

Anggun Bawi
The Virago


Photo by GUIVERG on Pexels

Are you one of those people who expect your partner to make you feel happy all the time? If so, then you might want to change that a bit.

To be able to love someone fully, you need to have some love first for yourself. The concept is so easy to understand but to put it into practice, can be really hard and for me at least, it was such a long journey.

An article from Psychology Today mentioned that,

People who hate themselves assign disproportionate weight to their faults and overlook their strengths. This can be fueled by a time in which they developed a harmful narrative about themselves. That can be difficult to invalidate, but treating others with kindness — which will hopefully lead to treating oneself with kindness — is one place to start.

Being in a long-term relationship has helped me get to know myself at a level that I never imagined before and one thing that I noticed the most is that I can only put my best effort into the relationship when I feel good about myself.

Not necessarily having everything works out in my life, but if I’m being content and in my best state of…



Anggun Bawi
The Virago

writing on trauma, dating and relationships - in the hope that you'll feel less alone on your journey | lives in vancouver 🇨🇦