My Art Teacher Was The First Person to Make Me Feel Uncomfortable About My Body

She should have never commented on my body

Jade M.
The Virago


Photo by Kampus Production:
Photo by Kampus Production:

I was a teenager at a time when the media was especially cruel to women. Celebrities like Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears were shamed for their bodies if they dared to gain even a small amount of weight. These celebrities were often more slim than the average woman or teenage girl, so seeing them being body-shamed hurt some of the girls I knew.

I can still remember one of my friends crying about her body when we were in sixth grade. When we asked her what was wrong, she said she didn’t feel skinny enough, and it made her feel bad to see someone thinner than her. I never knew what made her feel that way, but I’m sure it was a mixture of the way the media portrayed women and how we witnessed adults discussing their bodies.

I’d like to say that I never felt self-conscious about my own body, but there were times when I didn’t feel as confident as I should have. I was always a bit on the small side, but no one ever commented on my body. I was one of the lucky few who could eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight because of how active I was.

When I was a teenager, I started a new medicine that made it difficult for me to gain weight. The medicine ended up causing…



The Virago
The Virago

Published in The Virago

We are a community of women who share our personal stories about how we’ve survived and thrived in our lives. We share our messages to heal and help others learn from our experiences.

Jade M.
Jade M.

Written by Jade M.

Jade is a Louisiana based author who loves video games and usually writes about experiences she has.

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