My Love Could Not “Fix” A Narcissist With an Addiction

We need to start believing people when they promise us that they will never change

Carrie Wynn
The Virago


Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Many years ago I poured my heart and soul into someone who did not deserve any part of me, as many people do when they end up falling for a toxic/narcissistic romantic partner.

These days I tell my story to help other victims of narcissistic abuse realize that they are not alone, and hopefully guide them in their healing journey.

Recently I was talking to a client of mine that is going through a situation of loving a narcissist who is also an addict. Their situation reminds me of my own, years ago with the Narcissist.

I have never really gone into the moments that surfaced due to my ex’s addiction as I primarily focus on the abuse. Yet the two actually go hand-in-hand, as the abuse and devaluation became worse as he drowned himself in more and more drugs and alcohol.

Eventually, I became aware that there was truly nothing that I could do to save him or our relationship, due in part to him telling me that he would never change.



Carrie Wynn
The Virago

❦ Writer/coach specializing in relationships. Blog: Instagram: carrie_wynnmusings Support by: