Narcissists Abused Me for 26 Years; Now 9 Empowering Truths Inspire Me

#3. Healthy relationships are our birthright.

Alice Crady
The Virago


Photo Credit: Unsplash, Julia Caesar

Nine months since my therapist helped me identify narcissists in my birth family, I still believe I’m not good enough for healthy relationships. Lingering trauma clouds my sense of hope for getting what I want in life. Am I too riddled with internal damage to be valuable?

No, I’m not. But abusers who do not experience empathy or remorse convinced me I’m the problem. Every day I pour my energy into disarming the shame they soaked me in for decades.

Despite pouring myself into healing, i.e., support groups, therapy, mindfulness practices, self-care, somatic processing, emotional abuse research, I carry shame. I feel ashamed for being abused, accepting demeaning treatment, sleeping with toxic people, not listening to my intuition, feeling lonely, and numbing my emotions.

My anger moves me forward, even when it feels like I’m falling behind.

Narcissist abuse experts ground my foggy perspective in reality. Books like “Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare” by Shahida Arabi, “The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists” by Eleanor Payson, and “The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist” by Debbie Mirza inspire me. Abuse survivor coaches like Lara Novack and Bethany…



Alice Crady
The Virago

🦋 I help friends increase holistic wellness through resources, stories, and insights. ❤️🕯 #Mental Health #Women #Relationships #Money #Self