Narcissists Don’t Get to Have Love Stories

Think your narcissistic ex has found true love with someone else?Think again.

Suzanna Quintana
The Virago
Published in
6 min readApr 15, 2021


Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

One of the most painful parts of healing after a narcissist broke your heart (and in many cases, shattered your entire world) is in the discovery of how easily they are able to move on.

No matter the time you spent with them — years, decades — no matter how much you invested in the relationship, no matter if you had children, nothing hurts more than watching a narcissistic ex swap you out with someone else as if they’re playing a simple game of musical chairs.

And when that music stopped, you were the one left without a place to sit.

To add insult to your injury, a narcissist not only replaces you without a blink of an eye but they weaponize social media and use it as a tool to hurt you further by flaunting their new life and love now that you’re out of the picture.

Love does not exist within the boundaries of abuse.

Meanwhile, you’re barely able to make it from sunup to sundown as you drown in the pain of heartbreak. And at the same time you’re feeling every emotion there is to feel on a minute-by-minute basis, a narcissist turns off their feelings like a switch and acts as though…



Suzanna Quintana
The Virago

My voice is my superpower. Editor-in-Chief of The Virago. Founder of The Online Sanctuary for Healing After Narcissistic Abuse.