Tales of Love From The Pubs

Confessions at watering holes across the world.

The Virago


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What better time is it to talk about love, if not this month? So, let me ask you these questions:

Have you ever felt so deeply attached to somebody you felt as though you’d die from the mere thought of breaking up with them? Have you ever tirelessly chased someone because you thought they were your perfect match? Have you ever given up opportunities for a person you badly wanted to be with? Have you ever had arguments with friends or family who saw the red flags you desperately tried covering up?

Yes to all of the above? Oh, you’ve been in love! Maybe.

Love. Has Webster Dictionary come up with the right definition of this word yet? Some people say it’s the intense emotions you feel towards a person. Some people define it as the stage when you’re willing to commit to a relationship and make sacrifices for someone. Is there anyone here who knows exactly what it is?

In my younger days, due to my fondness for intoxicants, drunken confessions, and addictive non-fiction narrated right in front of me, I frequented establishments that served adult beverages where I heard countless stories of heroism, childhood memories, life in general, and, of course, love.



The Virago

Traveler,photographer, risk-taker, language trainer, aspiring wordsmith, and at the moment - a hermit.