The Day I Stopped Comparing Myself to Girls on Instagram

They are just as insecure as you.

Anggun Bawi
The Virago


Photo by Adnan on Pexels

Growing up, I’ve always struggled to love myself, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this. Some girls work hard to fix their insecurities, and others just don’t bother.

I was 17 when I first joined Instagram, and I remember at that time I was at the lowest point in my life, where nothing in my life was working out the way I wanted it to.

My mom had remarried, and she’d left me with my not-so-friendly grandmother while she moved with her new husband to the bigger city somewhere on Java Island. I had just finished high school and finally got away from my toxic uncle’s family.

I was ready to enter college, but we didn’t have much money, so I had to work as a salesgirl in a mall from 2 PM — 11 PM every day after joining my morning classes.

I didn’t have anything exciting going on in my life, so I turned to Instagram to see what others were doing. There were girls on there from my high schools that seemed to live their life in the college years, and for some reason, I can’t explain, I wanted to be like them. Maybe I craved the freedom to just study in college and not worry about money. I wanted a “normal” life and have, you know… a boyfriend.



Anggun Bawi
The Virago

writing on trauma, dating and relationships - in the hope that you'll feel less alone on your journey | lives in vancouver 🇨🇦