The Different Ways I Tried Changing Myself To Make Men Love Me

I tried to be adventurous and wild

Carrie Wynn
The Virago


Recently my boyfriend’s Mom was making breakfast and going on a humorous rant about the relationships she had been witnessing on The Bachelorette the night before.

“Why do people get so hung up on why someone doesn’t love them? Like, you are who you are and people need to accept that not everyone isn’t going to like you.”

I laughed as she continued to go on but her words hit very close to home as I knew I was guilty of that exact behavior.

Throughout my dating shenanigans, there were so many times that I tried to make someone love me by changing myself to fit what they wanted in an ideal partner.

For example…

I tried to be more skinny

From the ages of ten to eighteen I was hopelessly infatuated with the son of some of our family friends.

At fourteen I made a declaration of my love to this boy and he turned me down hard. Instead of moving on, I put the ownness on myself. There had to be a reason why he didn’t think I was good enough to date.

Deciding it had to do with the fact I wasn’t as thin as one of the other girls he had expressed interest in, I decided that…



Carrie Wynn
The Virago

❦ Writer/coach specializing in relationships. Blog: Instagram: carrie_wynnmusings Support by: