The Virago Newsletter for March 5th, 2021

The Newsletter by WOMEN about WOMEN and for WOMEN

Michelle Jaqua
The Virago


Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

Hello Virago Readers and Writers,

March is National Women’s History month for the U.S., commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.

International Women’s Day is on March 8th, 2021. It is one day during the year to celebrate women and help raise awareness. More about this shortly…

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Update for Writers of The Virago

The Virago is still looking for co-editors

Yes, I am still looking for any Virago writers who would be interested in becoming a co-editor. This is a great opportunity to become involved at a higher level in the community and interact with Virago writers.

Co-editing is simple, it entails only reading and publishing submissions. I get a lot of my writing ideas from reading other Virago blogs and it enriches my writing. I need help though, and I’d like to bring in a couple of writers. If this thought has been bouncing around in the back of your…



Michelle Jaqua
The Virago

Advocate for Women / Owner of Lipedema and Me and The Virago