The Virago Newsletter for May 28th, 2021

The Newsletter by WOMEN about WOMEN and for WOMEN

Michelle Jaqua
The Virago


Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

Hello Virago Community,

I’ve been reading this week’s articles, and I am so impressed with what we have in store for you. The articles listed below discuss emotional hardship from relationships, parenting, gender discrimination, and how we or others look at our bodies. We’ve had many, many different challenges in our lives as women, and still, we endure. We have no other choice but to do so. However, we can write about it. When we write and share with other women, we know we are not alone.

Our community of shared experiences help us grow into a strong force to withstand the efforts that try to keep us down. The first step is to change our mindset about women. One of our writers, Jessica Wildfire, describes this perfectly in her article, Women Are Still Second Place. Here, she talks about the unconscious discrimination women face in the workplace and in daily life.

As women, it’s our mission to be the driving force behind our own gender equality. In this newsletter, you’ll read about women, past and present, who work(ed) to change the world.



Michelle Jaqua
The Virago

Advocate for Women / Owner of Lipedema and Me and The Virago