“They’re Making Men Illegal”

And they call women “hysterical”?

Toni Hargis
The Virago


Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

I recently had an interesting Twitter run-in with opinionist (made-up word) Peter Hitchens. Wiki describes him as an “English conservative author, broadcaster, journalist & commentator.” He writes for The Mail on Sunday, if that gives you a better idea.

Hitchens has been discussing the latest developments concerning the kiss seen around the world. Spanish prosecutors are seeking a prison term of thirty months for former soccer chief Luis Rubiales for giving an unwanted kiss to star forward Jennifer Hermoso after Spain’s World Cup victory.

Although claiming he was ‘just stating facts,’ Hitchens began with the subjective and ridiculous observation that “They’re making men illegal.

Drama much?

Of course, I weighed in. Saying nothing about the nonsense in his piece was not an option for me. In a nutshell, I’m sick and tired of a certain type of man getting away with sexist BS. Interestingly, his main rebuttal was that I hadn’t read it, so without further ado, let’s get out the fine-tooth comb. We all need to be able to recognise and refute this tosh:

“The point is that an area of life which has always been governed by manners, custom and judgment has now fallen under the grey, chilly shadow of criminal law.”



Toni Hargis
The Virago

Co-author of “How to Stand up to Sexism; Words for when enough is enough”. Helping women find their voices. @ToniHargis