What NOT to do with a Narcissist

The importance of knowing who you’re up against

Suzanna Quintana
The Virago
Published in
7 min readFeb 22, 2021


Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

There is no lack of information out there about narcissists. Unfortunately, some of it can end up hurting us more than helping due to varying beliefs that deflect from the immense damage they do to others, especially those who love them. There is also no lack of information out there about what to do if you are the unlucky one to be in a relationship or having escaped one with a narcissist (using the Gray Rock Method or going no contact, for example).

However, what not to do with a narcissist is just as important if you are trying to heal a broken heart or pick up what’s left of your life after a narcissist ripped through it like a category five hurricane.

In an ideal world, relationships wouldn’t be a game. There wouldn’t be a winner or a loser. Breakups or divorces wouldn’t turn into wars, with one party out to annihilate the other. And even if there was heartbreak involved, two emotionally healthy people would still take the high road to whatever extent possible in order to maintain peace, especially if there are children involved.

In an ideal world, our own goodness would be matched and returned by someone who, even if the relationship has ended, would still extend compassion and respect in our direction.



Suzanna Quintana
The Virago

My voice is my superpower. Editor-in-Chief of The Virago. Founder of The Online Sanctuary for Healing After Narcissistic Abuse. www.suzannaquintana.com