What People Get Dangerously Wrong About Abusive Relationships

And enables abusers to keep on abusing

Suzanna Quintana
The Virago
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2024


Photo by Steven Thompson on Unsplash

Before you get to the end of this sentence, 2 people will have been physically abused by an intimate partner, rounding out to more than 10 million women and men a year.

And that’s only physical abuse.

Somewhere out there right now an abuser is emotionally, psychologically, financially, or sexually abusing their victim…and getting away with it.

Not because they’re so good at hiding it, but because they’re enabled by the myths surrounding what abuse and abusers look like.

Where’s the proof?

Where are the bruises and broken bones?

You’re exaggerating. Because if it’s that bad, you would leave.

Anyway, there are two sides to every story. It takes two to tango.

I think I can speak for most of us who’ve been abused by someone we love when I say that these comments hurt.

Sorry, what I meant was, fuck all the way off.

These reactions are dangerous because they perpetuate myths that allow abusers to keep doing what they’re doing.



The Virago
The Virago

Published in The Virago

We are a community of women who share our personal stories about how we’ve survived and thrived in our lives. We share our messages to heal and help others learn from our experiences.

Suzanna Quintana
Suzanna Quintana

Written by Suzanna Quintana

My voice is my superpower. Editor-in-Chief of The Virago. Founder of The Online Sanctuary for Healing After Narcissistic Abuse. www.suzannaquintana.com

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